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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Mystery of Iniquity - Part V

I am publishing a five-part series on a rarely discussed subject called the mystery of iniquity. I am writing this out of deep concern that the body of Christ has ignored the signs that the end is, not near, but here. I gave my life to Jesus Christ 31 years ago, and during that period of spiritual renewal for me and my family, there was a revelry that bordered on maniacal that Jesus could return any moment. Since my conversion, I have witnessed the self destruction of many prominent (and not so prominent) Church officials and lay-members alike, and I have seen the enthusiasm for Christ’s return sink to a low that I would have never imagined.

The first article will discuss Satan’s two thousand year’s plan to harness control of human government. The second article will examine the Church where Satan had established his corporate headquarters. Oh, did I say it was a prominent Christian Church? The third article will discuss Satan’s rebellion in heaven, which led to the expulsion of one-third of the heavenly host. And the fourth and fifth articles will tie it all together by examining the last decade and demonstrating how events have hurled human civilization closer to the poisoned embrace of the anti-Christ.

A minister friend of mine, Jim Nelson, has been advancing the belief that the end-time religion will not be a religion in the traditional sense. He teaches that Capitalism will be the end-time religion, because it permits all who worship at its alter to continue to serve their gods; whether it be Buddha, Allah, or Taoism’s Lao-Tse, yet it still unites the people into a common thread of worship; as in worshipping the “almighty dollar.” I recognized long ago that Capitalism would be the global government’s monetary system; however, I didn’t quite see the religious aspect of its global domination until listening to Jim.

I believe that money is the greatest invention of all time, because it permits people to live in a civilized society where commercial transactions are done, not by compulsion, but by reason. In the absence of such a bartering system, society would be at the mercy of men who force others into their employ at the barrel of a gun. Capitalism is like a manufacturing plant that allows anyone to make as much money as their skills and self determination will take them. It has been the catalyst of our modern society, and although it is not perfect, it has proven to promote higher standards of living than any other economic system that the world has ever known.

Notwithstanding Capitalism’s virtues, it also has a destructive force: In its need for expansion, it cannot coexist with any other economic system. Consequently, as Capitalism expands, it begins to encroach and consume any other monetary system standing in its path. Most of you reading this series witnessed Capitalism’s destructive force as it blazed through Eastern Europe in the late 1980s and early 1990s. President Ronald Reagan unfairly gets the credit for winning the Cold War. I don’t mean to diminish his role in the demise of the Soviet Union; however, Capitalism won the Cold War.

Capitalism destroyed the economic system of Marxism as we saw with the Former Soviet Union and as we now are witnessing with China. But its greatest triumph may be its victory over Islam disguised as the War on Terror. The War on Terror started out as a just war to apprehend Osama bin Laden and other perpetrators of September 11th; however, it quickly morphed into an effort to expand the Western world’s economic system. I mean, why did President Bush only send 15,000 troops to Afghanistan to capture bin Laden, while sending more than 125,000 troops to Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein, who had nothing to do with the World Trade/Pentagon bombings? Sure Saddam was a cruel dictator, but if being a cruel leader is the litmus test that we are now using to invade a sovereign nation, then who’s next? Ahmadinejad of Iran? Kim of North Korea? Or Mugabe of Zimbabwe?

The Muslim world has historically been the biggest opponent of Capitalism, because they did not want the corrupt influences, that inevitably flow from a free market system, to entrench themselves within their society. However, thanks to the rewards that are inherent in Capitalism, many regions of the Middle East have nearly transformed themselves into a Mecca of Western Society. A quick perusal of the landscape of the United Arab Emirates demonstrates the enormous Capitalist influence in this region of the Middle East. The OPEC nations are flush with cash and they are buying large chunks of the United States and Europe. And farther east, China has replaced Japan as the oriental symbol of the dollar.

As I study the influence that Capitalism has on world markets, I am convinced that the current financial crisis that we are experiencing has been choreographed, among other reasons, to facilitate a level of economic parity between Western society in general and the U.S. in particular with the rest of the world. The social planners who are creating the anti-christic infrastructure learned from the merging of East and West Germany that it is extremely difficult to united a strong currency, as in the West German Deutsche Mark, with a relatively week East German Mark. Consequently, we are witnessing the decline of the United States of America in order to “grease the skids” for a seamless migration to global government and a one world economic system.

Much to my horror, the America we live in today, is not the America I grew up in. Notwithstanding the racial climate of the 1960s, or maybe in spite of country’s racial climate, there were very powerful protest movements during the 1960s that altered the course of American history and indirectly altered the course of world history: No matter how one may have felt about the Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-War Movement, the Feminist Movement and the Environmental Movement; these voices of dissent blazed a trail through American society that knocked down barriers between the ruling class and the working class.

In a real sense, America probably began its decline more than 20 years ago during the run-up on the stock market. The massive influx of wealth diverted the attention of many, many people who would have been influential in preserving a climate of change for those who are living on the margins of a capitalistic society. Even many Church leaders have been lulled asleep by America’s massive wealth. The hyper-faith movement conditioned its followers that if they gave unto the Lord he would return it back to them by as much as 100-fold. This principle, though true, distracts many away from seeking the things of God to seeking the things of the American manufacturing complex. James warned us of this mindset - Ye ask, and you receive not, because you ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts (James 4:3).

In an American church, the first partaker of the financial fruit is usually the one who takes the offering and the bigger the offering, the bigger his or her cut will be. So a very articulate church leader doesn’t need to live by faith, if he can motivate you and me to give obscene amounts of money to “God,” which reminds me of an anecdote that a good friend once shared with me: “I went to the pastor to see if the church would help me pay my rent, and the pastor told me to seek the Lord for a blessing. But when he needed to pay the mortgage on the church, he passed the offering plate.”

Please understand my criticism here – I’m not hating on the message, but some of the messengers have tainted the prosperity message. Since the prosperity message works, where are the men and women of God who are willing to take it to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Vietnam, Indonesia or some other under-developed nation? Sure, there are a few out in the trenches doing missionary work and ministering the message of God’s blessings, but far too many of them are held up in the United States getting rich off the charitable contributions of God’s people.

If the voices of dissent, from the religious and secular communities, were not on life support, there is no way that George Bush would have been able to prosecute the War in Iraq to the tune of more than $1 trillion, (see Part IV of this series to get a better understanding of how and why the War in Iraq was manufactured); neither would he have had the audacity to commit the other illegal acts that he is alleged to have committed. (see parts one, two, three and four of my series on the appraisal of Bush’s presidency at the People's Pulse.)

In this series, we talked about how Satan deceived the angels in heaven; how he deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden; and how he deceived the Pastors of a number of churches in Asia minor. Each lie that he so convincingly advanced, left a trail of misery that the world is still reeling from. However, there is one deception that I left for last, and it may be his greatest of all: Satan has convinced many during the history of man’s tenure in the earth that he does not exist; consequently, it is difficult for most people to make any correlation between the devil and social, political, military and economic events. Therefore, he has been well insulated during the past two millenniums as the mystery of iniquity has spun its satanic web to entangle the last vestige of human civilization. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches (Revelation 1:7a).

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