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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Dinosaurs and the Bible

Is the creation account described in Genesis chapter 1 the basis for human existence or did we evolve in an incredible sequence of mutations as described by Charles Darwin in his Theory of Evolution? The Theory of Evolution rests on the assertion that an explosion, known as the Big Bang, occurred billions of years ago that left a few particles in the atmosphere that would over time mutate into a highly complex biological specimen that we call human. While conversely, the Genesis account rests on the fact that in the beginning God said, let there be light, and this declaration was the trigger point for six days of creation. According to the book of Hebrews, we accept this by faith – Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear (Hebrews 11:3) – because there is currently no scientific method to verify Genesis 1. In fact, those who subscribe to the Big Bang must accept this on faith as well, because there is also no scientific method to prove it.

Although there are some scientific subjects that are counterintuitive, Darwinism simply does not pass the laugh-test. To believe that a primordial explosion initiated a logistical process that eventually resulted in the creation of the universes and life as we know it, would force one to believe in the blind-watchmaker. I mean the odds of a Big Bang causing life to form would be exponentially greater than the odds of an explosion in a laboratory creating the Oxford unabridged dictionary. Any reasonable scholar should understand that there is intelligence behind the design of our universe.

The reason I believe that the Big Bang and Evolution have such traction in our society is that it does provide a certain comfortable buffer between God and those who refuse to believe in him. It is a type of denial. In other words; to reject the only scientifically plausible theory that attempts to explain human existence, it would leave scientists with no explanation for existence other than Genesis chapter 1. Consequently, it is not surprising that researchers continue to view the fossil record from a traditional Darwinism perspective. Therefore, the recent discovery of a mummified dinosaur in North Dakota is hailed as a great leap forward in science’s effort to confirm that humans really did evolve from dinosaurs.

According to evolutionists, dinosaurs inhabited the earth between 248 million and 65 million years ago and eventually died out as the result of a cataclysmic event, such as an asteroid colliding with the earth. However, this logic is a challenge for Bible believers, because if one added the ages of the family members in the lineage from Adam to Jesus Christ, they’ll come up with roughly 4,000 years. And approximately 2,000 years have passed since the birth of Christ, which would put the earth at about 6,000 years.

Some Bible scholars estimate the earth to be about 12,000 – 13,000 years old with their interpretation of 2 Peter 3:8 which says, But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. It is believed by some that this scripture means that each day of creation in Genesis 1 would be the equivalent of 1,000 years. I do not subscribe to this interpretation, but it’s safe to say that whether the earth is 6,000 or 13,000 years old, according to most Christians’ belief in the Bible, the Theory of Evolution does not fit in either time frame.

Let there be light, not the Big Bang, initiated the creation sequence, which was not a mindless set of highly improbable coincidences, as the evolutionists claim. It was a perfect design where God stood at strategic points and furthered his creation objective with each succeeding declaration. Similar in scope to a self extracting computer program, each declaration unleashed a specific set of instructions which culminated into an environment which would allow intelligent life to exist on the earth.

Well if the earth is only 6,000 to 13,000 years old, then why is it that scientists claim that it is billions of years old and dinosaurs roamed it nearly 250 million ago?

This question has baffled scientists for years. Although the creation sequence took place approximately six thousand years ago, much of what God spoke into existence has the appearance of being much older than six thousand years. We can examine the creation of Adam to bring this into clearer focus: When God created Adam, he was created with the physical maturity of a young adult. I’ll arbitrarily say that Adam had the appearance of someone who was 25 years old, but 24 hours after his creation he was only one day old, and 364 days later he was one year old. This logic can also be applied to the apparent age of light, the earth and the stars: these elements of God's creation have the physical appearance of being billions of years old; notwithstanding, their actual age is approximately six thousand years old. Consequently, God created a fossil record that has the remains of what we call dinosaurs today. Did they ever live on the earth? I believe the answer is an emphatic no! Their remains simply help establish the maturity of the earth.

It is difficult to speculate why God created the universe with the appearance of being much older than it is. It is my theory that he fused millions of secrets into creation to challenge the human mind to use the processes of imagination that is innate in all of us. It is apparent to me that the purveyors of our modern society have been successful in numbing, or should I say “dumbing” our mind so that we do not use it to its full potential. The anesthesia that has been injected into our thinking has prevented many from using the greatest tool that God placed in the earth – the human mind. No wonder the great thinkers of our time pay homage to monkeys, birds and four footed beasts as being the forerunners of humans.

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools (Romans 1:22).

NOTE: I have done some research on String Theory, and String Theory seems to hold promise that one day science will be able to prove that God’s word is the basis for human existence. I plan to post an article on this intriguing subject soon.

1 comment:

Ojalanpoika said...

Ever saw these figures of Dinoglyfs & Dinolits documented by man in the historical era:

Here's one's critique against the current dating convention:

Biochemist, drop-out (M.Sci. Master of Sciing)